
FPV Drones VS Traditional Drones: Which Is Better For Your Business?

DJI FPV Drone VS DJI Mavic Drone

Let's find out what's the FPV fuss is all about.

Drones have come a long way in recent years. Originally used for military purposes, drones have now become a popular toy and tool for businesses and consumers alike. While there are many different types of drones available on the market, the two main categories are FPV drones and traditional drones. Here we will outline the main pros and cons of each type to help you decide which is right for your business.

What defines FPV and traditional drones?

FPV, or First Person View, drones are a type of drone that allow the user to see from the perspective of the drone itself. This is achieved by mounting a camera on the drone and streaming the video footage to a display device, such as goggles or a smartphone. The advantage of FPV drones is that they provide a more immersive experience, making it feel as if you are actually flying the drone.

Traditional drones, on the other hand, do not have a camera mounted on them. Instead, the user controls the drone using a remote control and relies on the drone's onboard sensors to avoid obstacles. While this might seem like a disadvantage, it actually provides the user with a better sense of control as they can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times.

2. Pros and cons of FPV drones

There are several advantages to using FPV drones for business. Firstly, as mentioned above, they provide a more immersive experience which can be great for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes. Secondly, they are generally more agile and responsive than traditional drones, making them ideal for racing and other competitive applications. However, there are also some disadvantages to using FPV drones. In first instance, they require the use of extra equipment, such as goggles or a smartphone, which can be expensive. Secondly, they can be more difficult to control than traditional drones, making them less suitable for beginners.

Immersive views

FPV drones offer highly immersive views which represents one of the key benefits of this type of drone. This is great advantage for businesses as it allows them to create marketing content that is more engaging and exciting than traditional videos or images, leaving viewers with a lasting impression.

This is mainly possible to the immersive view the FPV drone operators have. FPV offers a first-person perspective of the drone’s surroundings as if you are looking through the drone’s own eyes. This is made possible by installing a camera onto the drone and streaming the live footage to either FPV goggles or a phone/tablet display. The feeling is often described as “flying a bird”.

More agile

Another advantage of FPV drones is that they are generally more agile than traditional drones since they are equipped with more efficient and performant components. This means that they can perform tricks and manoeuvres that would be impossible with a traditional drone, offering incredible perspectives.

Unlimited manoeuvres

FPV drones allow unlimited manoeuvres as the system is not locked to a stabilisation mode as it happens with traditional drones, allowing flying the drone in any orientation on X, Y and Z axis. This allows to film possibilities and new perspectives that were not possible before if not with CGI.

High quality cameras

FPV drones can be equipped with high quality cameras, including cinema camera such as BlackMagic BMPCC 4K and 6K, RED Komodo, Sony FX6, and others. This means that businesses can produce extremely high quality content with FPV drones that can be used for marketing and cinematography use. Can you imagine getting RAW footage with the highly immersive experience?

Steep learning curve

While the FPV drones can be flown to any direction with no limitation in manoeuvres, this creates a steep learning curve to fly FPV drones as the pilot must learn how to control the drone in any orientation. The fact that is not easy to see the drone when it’s far away makes even more difficult to control it, especially for beginners. If you are considering hiring an FPV drone service for your business, make sure they haven't started yesterday in order to avoid some common mistakes.

Limited flight-time

The typical flight time for an FPV drone is around 3-6 minutes, while traditional drones can reach up to 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that FPV drones are often equipped with more powerful motors and batteries in order to achieve the best performance.

To maximise the output it's necessary to create a balance between the weight and the flying conditions, alongside with motors and other components. All these factors lead to a shorter flight time - which is however enough to get the money shot for your business.

Please note that 3-6 minutes flight time is limited to one battery which can be easily changed, allowing unlimited sessions of 3-6 minutes each to achieve the required shot.

Extra equipment required

Another disadvantage of FPV drones is that they require extra equipment, such as FPV goggles, large number of batteries, external screens, covers and protectors. If you are hiring an FPV drone service, make sure they have the right tools for the job - and potential drone backups.

No security features.

As FPV drones are not locked to a stabilisation mode, they don’t have any security features as traditional drones do. This means that if the pilot loses orientation, the drone will keep flying in that direction until it collides with something or the battery dies.

This can be problematic, especially in urban areas where there are many obstacles and people around. For this reason, we always recommend to hire a professional FPV drone service for your business needs as they will have the necessary experience to avoid any accidents.

FPV drones also do not have any of the geo-localisation features that traditional drones have, making them free to fly in any restricted area. For this reason it's important that the drone operator is aware of the airspace restrictions before starting to operate the machine to get your shot.

Higher purchase and maintenance costs

FPV drones are usually more expensive than traditional drones, and they also require more maintenance since they are equipped with more powerful components. This means that if you are hiring an FPV drone service, you can expect to pay a bit more than for a traditional drone service. However, the quality of the footage and the possibilities offered by FPV drones make them worth the extra cost - especially for businesses who want to stand out from the competition.

FPV drones maintenance

4. Pros and cons of traditional drones

Traditional drones also have a number of advantages. Firstly, as mentioned above, they are easier to control than FPV drones, making them more suitable for beginners. Secondly, they tend to be more affordable than FPV drones since they do not require the use of extra equipment. Finally, traditional drones are less likely to crash since the user can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times. However, there are also some disadvantages to using traditional drones. Firstly, they are not as immersive as FPV drones and might not be suitable for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes. Secondly, they are not as agile or responsive as FPV drones and might not be suitable for racing or other competitive applications.

Traditional FPV drones operated by a kid

Easy to operate

The first thing you will notice with a traditional drone is how easy they are to operate in comparison to an FPV drone. This is due to the fact that you can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times, making it much easier to control. Traditional drones are therefore ideal for beginners or businesses who want to use drones for simple tasks such as aerial photography or videography.

More affordable

Traditional drones are more affordable than FPV drones since they do not require the use of extra equipment. This makes them ideal for businesses who want to use drones on a budget or for those who only need a drone for occasional use.

Considering the basic rules of offer and demand, expect traditional drone services to be cheaper than FPV drone services, as these machines are easy to operate and accessible to anyone with a smartphone.

DJI Mini 2 GPS drone

Less likely to crash

Since traditional drones are easier to control than FPV drones, they are less likely to crash. This is because you can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times, meaning that you can avoid obstacles and other hazards. Traditional drones are therefore ideal for businesses who want to use drones for tasks such as aerial photography or videography, where a crash would be costly.

Less immersive

One of the main disadvantages of traditional drones is that they are not as immersive as FPV drones. This is due to the fact that the user is not able to see through the drone’s camera, making it difficult to get a sense of scale or distance. This can be problematic for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes as it can make it difficult to capture the attention of potential customers. Do you want to bore your customers with the regular flying cameras?

5. Which type of drone is right for your business?

The type of drone that is right for your business will depend on a number of factors, such as the budget, the application and the level of experience. If you are looking for a drone that is easy to operate and less likely to crash, then a traditional drone might be the right choice for you. Traditional drones are highly accessible and there's plenty of drones pilots ready to get you started.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a drone that is more immersive and offers a greater level of control, then an FPV drone might be the right choice for you. FPV drones services are more expensive, but they offer a unique flying experience that is perfect for businesses who want to stand out in their industry. For this reason, FPV drones are considered the future of digital marketing promotion.

Here are some services that are unique to FPV drones given their characteristics.

FPV Proximity Flying

All FPV drones are different and this gives them unique characteristics. Our Micro FPV drones can fly in proximity to individuals and soft targets, legally and in full safety, creating that wow effect that will make your events unforgettable. Find more information about FPV proximity flying drones here.

FPV 'Virtual' Fly-Through Tours

FPV Drones allow to create 'virtual' fly-through tours of your business. This is a way more immersive experience than just a hand-held camera being carried around. Our Mini FPV drones can fly both indoors and outdoors, showcasing offices, real estate, or even adventure parks or gold courses. If that's something you are looking for, make sure to check our projects here.

FPV speed and chasing

One thing FPV drones are popular for is the speed. This is what allows us to offer a service like this one, where we can capture amazing videos of people doing extreme sports or simply running around in a park. It doesn't even have to be extreme, we can chase your ice skaters or your fancy car across the Scottish Highlands, with our FPV drones. Read more.

Are you ready to make your business stand out?

FPV drone services offer a unique flying experience that is perfect for businesses who want to stand out in their industry. They might result more expensive than traditional drones (unless you are being overcharged with the guy with the DJI Mini), but the immersive experience and level of control they offer is worth the investment.

If you are looking for a drone service that provides more immersive perspectives, then an FPV drone might be the right choice for you. Get in touch today to discuss your next project with us.

November 14, 2022

FPV Drones VS Traditional Drones: Which Is Better For Your Business?

Let's find out what's the FPV fuss is all about. Drones have come a long way in recent years. Originally used for military purposes, drones have now become a popular toy and tool for businesses and consumers alike. While there are many different types of drones available on the market, the two main categories are […]
DJI FPV Drone VS DJI Mavic Drone

Let's find out what's the FPV fuss is all about.

Drones have come a long way in recent years. Originally used for military purposes, drones have now become a popular toy and tool for businesses and consumers alike. While there are many different types of drones available on the market, the two main categories are FPV drones and traditional drones. Here we will outline the main pros and cons of each type to help you decide which is right for your business.

What defines FPV and traditional drones?

FPV, or First Person View, drones are a type of drone that allow the user to see from the perspective of the drone itself. This is achieved by mounting a camera on the drone and streaming the video footage to a display device, such as goggles or a smartphone. The advantage of FPV drones is that they provide a more immersive experience, making it feel as if you are actually flying the drone.

Traditional drones, on the other hand, do not have a camera mounted on them. Instead, the user controls the drone using a remote control and relies on the drone's onboard sensors to avoid obstacles. While this might seem like a disadvantage, it actually provides the user with a better sense of control as they can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times.

2. Pros and cons of FPV drones

There are several advantages to using FPV drones for business. Firstly, as mentioned above, they provide a more immersive experience which can be great for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes. Secondly, they are generally more agile and responsive than traditional drones, making them ideal for racing and other competitive applications. However, there are also some disadvantages to using FPV drones. In first instance, they require the use of extra equipment, such as goggles or a smartphone, which can be expensive. Secondly, they can be more difficult to control than traditional drones, making them less suitable for beginners.

Immersive views

FPV drones offer highly immersive views which represents one of the key benefits of this type of drone. This is great advantage for businesses as it allows them to create marketing content that is more engaging and exciting than traditional videos or images, leaving viewers with a lasting impression.

This is mainly possible to the immersive view the FPV drone operators have. FPV offers a first-person perspective of the drone’s surroundings as if you are looking through the drone’s own eyes. This is made possible by installing a camera onto the drone and streaming the live footage to either FPV goggles or a phone/tablet display. The feeling is often described as “flying a bird”.

More agile

Another advantage of FPV drones is that they are generally more agile than traditional drones since they are equipped with more efficient and performant components. This means that they can perform tricks and manoeuvres that would be impossible with a traditional drone, offering incredible perspectives.

Unlimited manoeuvres

FPV drones allow unlimited manoeuvres as the system is not locked to a stabilisation mode as it happens with traditional drones, allowing flying the drone in any orientation on X, Y and Z axis. This allows to film possibilities and new perspectives that were not possible before if not with CGI.

High quality cameras

FPV drones can be equipped with high quality cameras, including cinema camera such as BlackMagic BMPCC 4K and 6K, RED Komodo, Sony FX6, and others. This means that businesses can produce extremely high quality content with FPV drones that can be used for marketing and cinematography use. Can you imagine getting RAW footage with the highly immersive experience?

Steep learning curve

While the FPV drones can be flown to any direction with no limitation in manoeuvres, this creates a steep learning curve to fly FPV drones as the pilot must learn how to control the drone in any orientation. The fact that is not easy to see the drone when it’s far away makes even more difficult to control it, especially for beginners. If you are considering hiring an FPV drone service for your business, make sure they haven't started yesterday in order to avoid some common mistakes.

Limited flight-time

The typical flight time for an FPV drone is around 3-6 minutes, while traditional drones can reach up to 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that FPV drones are often equipped with more powerful motors and batteries in order to achieve the best performance.

To maximise the output it's necessary to create a balance between the weight and the flying conditions, alongside with motors and other components. All these factors lead to a shorter flight time - which is however enough to get the money shot for your business.

Please note that 3-6 minutes flight time is limited to one battery which can be easily changed, allowing unlimited sessions of 3-6 minutes each to achieve the required shot.

Extra equipment required

Another disadvantage of FPV drones is that they require extra equipment, such as FPV goggles, large number of batteries, external screens, covers and protectors. If you are hiring an FPV drone service, make sure they have the right tools for the job - and potential drone backups.

No security features.

As FPV drones are not locked to a stabilisation mode, they don’t have any security features as traditional drones do. This means that if the pilot loses orientation, the drone will keep flying in that direction until it collides with something or the battery dies.

This can be problematic, especially in urban areas where there are many obstacles and people around. For this reason, we always recommend to hire a professional FPV drone service for your business needs as they will have the necessary experience to avoid any accidents.

FPV drones also do not have any of the geo-localisation features that traditional drones have, making them free to fly in any restricted area. For this reason it's important that the drone operator is aware of the airspace restrictions before starting to operate the machine to get your shot.

Higher purchase and maintenance costs

FPV drones are usually more expensive than traditional drones, and they also require more maintenance since they are equipped with more powerful components. This means that if you are hiring an FPV drone service, you can expect to pay a bit more than for a traditional drone service. However, the quality of the footage and the possibilities offered by FPV drones make them worth the extra cost - especially for businesses who want to stand out from the competition.

FPV drones maintenance

4. Pros and cons of traditional drones

Traditional drones also have a number of advantages. Firstly, as mentioned above, they are easier to control than FPV drones, making them more suitable for beginners. Secondly, they tend to be more affordable than FPV drones since they do not require the use of extra equipment. Finally, traditional drones are less likely to crash since the user can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times. However, there are also some disadvantages to using traditional drones. Firstly, they are not as immersive as FPV drones and might not be suitable for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes. Secondly, they are not as agile or responsive as FPV drones and might not be suitable for racing or other competitive applications.

Traditional FPV drones operated by a kid

Easy to operate

The first thing you will notice with a traditional drone is how easy they are to operate in comparison to an FPV drone. This is due to the fact that you can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times, making it much easier to control. Traditional drones are therefore ideal for beginners or businesses who want to use drones for simple tasks such as aerial photography or videography.

More affordable

Traditional drones are more affordable than FPV drones since they do not require the use of extra equipment. This makes them ideal for businesses who want to use drones on a budget or for those who only need a drone for occasional use.

Considering the basic rules of offer and demand, expect traditional drone services to be cheaper than FPV drone services, as these machines are easy to operate and accessible to anyone with a smartphone.

DJI Mini 2 GPS drone

Less likely to crash

Since traditional drones are easier to control than FPV drones, they are less likely to crash. This is because you can see exactly what the drone is doing at all times, meaning that you can avoid obstacles and other hazards. Traditional drones are therefore ideal for businesses who want to use drones for tasks such as aerial photography or videography, where a crash would be costly.

Less immersive

One of the main disadvantages of traditional drones is that they are not as immersive as FPV drones. This is due to the fact that the user is not able to see through the drone’s camera, making it difficult to get a sense of scale or distance. This can be problematic for businesses who want to use drones for marketing purposes as it can make it difficult to capture the attention of potential customers. Do you want to bore your customers with the regular flying cameras?

5. Which type of drone is right for your business?

The type of drone that is right for your business will depend on a number of factors, such as the budget, the application and the level of experience. If you are looking for a drone that is easy to operate and less likely to crash, then a traditional drone might be the right choice for you. Traditional drones are highly accessible and there's plenty of drones pilots ready to get you started.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a drone that is more immersive and offers a greater level of control, then an FPV drone might be the right choice for you. FPV drones services are more expensive, but they offer a unique flying experience that is perfect for businesses who want to stand out in their industry. For this reason, FPV drones are considered the future of digital marketing promotion.

Here are some services that are unique to FPV drones given their characteristics.

FPV Proximity Flying

All FPV drones are different and this gives them unique characteristics. Our Micro FPV drones can fly in proximity to individuals and soft targets, legally and in full safety, creating that wow effect that will make your events unforgettable. Find more information about FPV proximity flying drones here.

FPV 'Virtual' Fly-Through Tours

FPV Drones allow to create 'virtual' fly-through tours of your business. This is a way more immersive experience than just a hand-held camera being carried around. Our Mini FPV drones can fly both indoors and outdoors, showcasing offices, real estate, or even adventure parks or gold courses. If that's something you are looking for, make sure to check our projects here.

FPV speed and chasing

One thing FPV drones are popular for is the speed. This is what allows us to offer a service like this one, where we can capture amazing videos of people doing extreme sports or simply running around in a park. It doesn't even have to be extreme, we can chase your ice skaters or your fancy car across the Scottish Highlands, with our FPV drones. Read more.

Are you ready to make your business stand out?

FPV drone services offer a unique flying experience that is perfect for businesses who want to stand out in their industry. They might result more expensive than traditional drones (unless you are being overcharged with the guy with the DJI Mini), but the immersive experience and level of control they offer is worth the investment.

If you are looking for a drone service that provides more immersive perspectives, then an FPV drone might be the right choice for you. Get in touch today to discuss your next project with us.

FPV in Numbers

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We hold £1m Specialist Drone Insurance Cover EC 785/2004. We are CAA approved for commercial work in the UK Airspace.
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